We are always looking for volunteers! You can help answer the phone from the comfort of your own home, or help hang flyers in your neighborhoods or hand out information about the benefits of spaying/neutering and how to contact us to people you think could use it. Other opportunities may arise as we grow, so please don't hesitate to get in touch if you want to help.

Contact Us

For financial help with spay/neuter surgeries or low cost spay/neuter referrals please contact us. 

We work with veterinarians throughout San Diego County. 

Call us at 619-702-4400, Monday through Friday from 9am to 1pm,  or use the contact form at right, and we will get back to you within two business days.

For volunteer opportunities, E-Mail us at awfsandiego@gmail.com and send us a brief message with your availability and how you would like to help.  Volunteers must be computer literate, have a computer/ laptop and have internet access.

PLEASE NOTE: If you call us outside our business hours of 9am-1pm Monday through Friday, you will not reach a human and will not have the option to leave a message. Calls made outside these hours will not be returned.